Thursday, January 8, 2009

December Run Down

Will have to wait. Bah ha ha....

I am writing this post in an attempt to satiate our ever hungry audiance (Krissy). We have had a very fun and exciting Holiday season and even some fun Christmas pictures to share that we have yet to download, so those goodies will have to wait. Both Cookie and I have been neglecting our blog becuase we found Facebook and have been competing for who has the most friends and I am proud to say I still am cooler then my husband (by 8 people)! In other news I have also been wrapped up in reading the Twillight series. My good pal Celeste who is also a lit snob insisted I try the second book it was much better then the first and to my suprise the series got better with each book. I know I know I might be disowned by all my phrogbottom blood line but I was really into this book. To vamp up my lit cred I am making up for it by reading Omnivoure's Dilemma. So far so good, it has till this point discussed the American paradox "a notably unhealthy people obsessed by the idea of eating healthy". I think I am very close to joining some sort of chub club like wieght watchers. I think this book was written for me. Sadly I did not have nearly as strong pull to the Ultraman book that talked about the life story of the man who runs over a hundred miles at a time every year. Other books on my long book list include the goodies that K-Man find at the library. We also scored big at Jomamma Christmas with a complete collection of Dr. Sues and Where the Wild Things Are. So to my audiance hold tight pictures are coming till then you are stuck with my random thoughts:)


~kj~ said...

I love your random thoughts, why do you think I visit the blog so much?!? Um...I'm on facebook so find me....however I will have to be friends with both of you so you both are up one!!!! Thank you for the new post nersey I love to hear from you guys!! (and the fact that my name goes in the blog...)


nersey said...

You are just my most vocal reader, dear krissy. I would have a very lonely blog without you:)

Tamaran said...

You totally can't give up your blog for Facebook! I hate facebook! I have an account, but it literally ony says 'see our blog'. Oh, and if you decide you are going all gungho on the chub thing, let me know. I need motivation. I'd even join WW with you *COUGH*.

Tamaran said...

That's what happens when I don't spell check my comment. I end up with an ony... (only).

My biggest problem is that I need to start swimming again...but I want to spend every minute that I'm not working with the kid.