Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Go Utes!

Yes, even the Beans has his Ute sweater on...
I know this is late in coming but these pics were taken the day of the most triumphant Sugar Bowl ever! It is a new tradition in our little family that for the Utes to win K-Man has to put on his finest Ute attire and then throw up all over it for the Utes to win. So your welcome Ute fans, 13-0 it was a FANTASTIC season! GOOOO UTES!!!!


Tamaran said...

HE LOOKS ADORABLE! Is K-man crawling yet? Tae scoots with her arms, but no leg/knee action.

We totally need to get together. We miss having you guys as neighbors, too. They could entertain themselves while we get a little Settlers in... Or we could just set and watch them interact. Funny how you could be entertained watching them all day. They do the funniest things.

Seriously, give me a call...or wait for me to hunt you down, either way!

~kj~ said...

Go UTES!!! He looks so adorable!! I want to love on him!

Mindurs said...

What a super cute Ute!