K-man is growing like a very smart little weed and is comprehending at an amazing rate. Last night I was watching 2012 and K kept coming in and out of our room and occasionally stopping to watch parts of the movie. Daddy, being brain dead from speaking in Church and teaching Nersey's Sunday school lesson for her; didn't realize that letting a two year old watch a movie like this was not the best idea.
But there is a part in the movie where a little doggy is gently tossed over a wall into the arms of the girl in the picture, well K was so uncertain about the fate of the little doggy that most of last night, despite repeated viewings of the ending of the movie, showing that the doggy was in fact okay, K, was still concerned. He kept asking "What happened", "doggy okay", "doggy oh-no" and we would try to console him telling him that the dog was okay and happy. Well his concern has carried over into today he is still worried. So if you see this dog, please make sure that it is okay so K-man can get some sleep tonight..