Wednesday, December 9, 2009

I am okay, but the Audi...

...wasn't so lucky. These pictures are ones I took at the body shop. I didn't want to look at the car at the scene so I waited till I had a skilled professional to walk me through everything and hold my hand. It's kinda like seeing a loved one in the ICU (minus a classless joke about taps playing, sorry B). The accident was no big deal, c'mon I was in an Audi for heavens sake; but the other guy spun 180 degrees; but he is okay too. If you can belive it he is a mormon from the Holladay area, circa 30 years ago by way of New Jersey. It was just too bad we met like this. Believe me I am fine, even for something as small as this I am glad I have gap insurance. I will let ya'll know the final verdict about the 'ol girl once I hear from the body shop.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Just a few of my favorites!

This is perhaps our all time favorite Christmas photo

Our first night with him home

We our having some issues down loading our Thanksgiving photos and our Glama is not patient about the lapse in in new K-Man photos. So I decided that perhaps we should reach into our archives and pull out our favorites from the last year. I hope you enjoy!