Sunday, May 18, 2008

Happy little pond

Well I am happy to report that I am no longer on the scary ultrasound watch. I have enough fluid for any little frog to streach out in. I am starting to feel things getting a little cramped in there but I am sure it will only get worse in the next 14 weeks. It was fun to see the little guy every week but it is also nice to have my day off again so I can get stuff done too. I have also found that Kenneth and I have simular interests such as long afternoon naps with the Beans, sucking down Icies from the Mav and tri-weekly swims, although I think he could help me out a bit when we swim by kicking a little more instead he just comes along for the ride when we are at the pool.


Heather said...

Yeah, that is awesome news!! Can't wait to see the little one!

Missletoe said...

Seriously. I have to come to the Polyblog to hear about your amniotic fluid situation?! Come on! I even just talked to you. What good is it to have a Big Sister if you aren't going to call to ask prego questions (right Mindurs and Cincha?)? What is that about? If this is how I have to find out, you have to be a better blogger.

Anonymous said...

Well geeze Missletoe, speaking of blog updates did you ever update us on toads?