Saturday, November 7, 2009


For those who don't know this yeay K-Man was Max King of All the Wild Things. Fits right?
Making or Rice Crispie Creatures

Princess Abby and SpiDax grubb'n on doughnut sting

Mummy SpiDax and Transfomer Christian

K-Man enjoying the Wild Rumpus from his throne

Spidy Daxon was kind enough to show K-Man the ropes when it came to Trick or Treating in Texas. Apparently its done on a golf cart.

Tamming some wild beasts

Grand Jo Gypsy pinning the tail on the cat

Toilet paper Mummies

It should come as no surprise that Halloween is one of our favorite Holiday. With 2 sisters born on the same week we always had a huge party to celebrate(o.k. they had a huge party and I lurked behind the couch watching). There was always so much excitement with picking out your costume and decorating the house (which we always did Conference weekend). Naturally my favorite part of Halloween like with most things in my life is the food. Glama would whip up batches of Halloween cup cakes and drop them off at the neighbors houses. It was great because she would let us do all the doorbell ditching. As we got older we adapted instead of trick or treating Glama, Mindurs, The Martin Girls, Auntie Nelda and I would hit up Witches Night Out in our best witches hat to cackle amongst our own kind. Then head back to Mindurs for soup salad and gossip!

This year we Pollywogs find ourselves find ourselves out of reach of Glama's yummy Halloween cup cakes and on our own for festivities, talk about scary! So we do what we do best....improvise. With the always fun GrandJo we hosted a Halloween party fit for any witch or ghoul.


Heather said...

oh, it makes me miss all of you seeing those pictures!!! was so cute!!! loved is costume!

love you


traci miller said...

those pics made me laugh. i just got a mental picture of k man's tail sticking out from under the table. that costume is one of my favorites i've ever seen.

Mindurs said...

I love k-man's costume! Did you end up making it? So freaking ADORABLE. Who am I kidding it is k-man who made the costume adorable! I miss that little guy. Kisses from aunt Mindurs.

nersey said...

My very Talented sister in law Becky made it, but your right K-Man does put its cute facter way over the charts. My favorite picture is the one of him and the giant black cat.

James Thomas said...

Best Max EVER! Looks like a fun Halloween!

James Thomas said...

okay so I did it again . . . that was really Katie . . .