Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Day Seven Update

Our little guy is now over a week old. Actually, 7 days and roughly 30 minutes old, but in all honesty it feels like he should be 3 months old with all the goings-on. When Kenneth was born he had some respiratory issues - premature lungs - that sent him to the intermediate nursery and then to the NICU. His stay at the hospital was roughly 4 days. One was spent in the NICU, another was spent under bili lights to control jaundice issues. We brought him home on saturday and got to enjoy him along with Grandma Jo and Grandpa Burton all of Sunday. Monday we took him in to follow up on the jaundice which had spiked up to a count of 19.1 - at 22 they do a blood transfusion. We had home health care deliver portable bili lights that we put him under. Thank you to Glamma and Bampa for letting us steal their bedroom for a night and most of Tuesday to take care of our little guy and for taking care of us. We took him in for a check up to do another test yesterday and by 8:00pm he had got his count down to 12.4 and we were finally able to hold our little guy again. He is going in today to take another test and hopefully we will have this jaundice thing under control. We have pictures but we had just not had the time to get them up. Nersey is taking a Math final today, that she missed last friday due to the whole having a baby thing and I am trying my best to jump back into full time work. Other than that we are all doing great. For those coming in for the wedding we can't wait to see you!


Heather said...

I'm glad he is doing better!! I can't wait to see pictures!!

miss you guys & want so bad to hold kenneth~

Kierstin said...

More pics would be excellent. He is so cute!

Mackenzie said...

Congrats you guys! He is adorable. Please keep us posted on his progress....