Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Big Boy Time and New Tricks!

Coach is the one drawing and Ashie is playing with the rooster

K-Man is one lucky boy, his two favorite cousins come up to play every Monday and Wednesday. These are a big day for him because on these days he sees big boys in action and he does his best to keep up with Ashie and Coach. On the day this picture was taken K-Man got a break the "BIG" boys decided it might be fun to slow thing down a bit. Every time I lay a blanket down for K-Man's tummy time both Ashie and Coach come over to keep him company while K-Man sweats it out. Recently K-Man has learned to roll so I was trying to get him to do it for Glama (she only believes what she see's). So there we were laying in our tummies trying to get K-Man to roll when Ashie walks in and say's "watch me I can roll!" then followed it by a fabulous steam roller across the floor. Not to be out done Hayden gets on the floor next to Ashie and then steam rolls right over his big brother! So funny, I wish I had my video camera going!


Tamaran said...

Look at that smile! He is a cutie!

~kj~ said...

when we need to get the two k~man's together. Kyler might enjoy some tummy time too!! But if not I will!!!!!!!!!!!

You can chase my k~man around! ;)

nersey said...

Sounds good KJ!

Becky said...

Wow what a cute blanket for tummy time! I am very tempted to make one for myself. Not for the tummy time but just for naps! Kenneth looks so much like matt I love it. Can't wait to see yall soon!

Missletoe said...

I can roll too!... too bad mom will never believe it unless I figure out how to post videos.