Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's I love: Part Two

I think this picture says it all. My Mom Glama is pretty much the best.She is a champion chocolate chip cookie maker and has legions of fans, namely her children and cute grand babies. She is always up for fun and adventure.
As a child I always loved the time she spent with us reading stories and playing games, even though there were 7 children she made us all feel like we were her favorite. Although I am sure that I am in deed her favorite because she calls me "pussy cat" and trained me to rub her feet at a very early age.
Glama is also very funny, she has a very abstract way of looking at things and when you ask her a direct question she always gives you a indirect and random answer for example: me "Mom have you seen where my shoes are?" Mom:"It drives your Dad crazy having all those shoes kicking around by the door".
She is also a party animal, every Sunday or any other notable occasions like ground hogs day she gathers her family and makes a huge yummy meal. She is also smart and trained her children to be a well oiled machine when in the kitchen. You have never seen anything until you have seen the Davis sisters at work in Glama's kitchen after a huge family meal. I have also heard on good authority that she is also a master at throwing tea parties (the fun kind with fancy hats and boas, not the crazy ones on capital hill).
I also consider Glama to be my best Utah friend. I talk to her several times a week with questions about how to cook, advice on parenting or just to laugh. She has a mermaid soul that I discovered when we picked up my twin brother from NC. She fearlessly ran into the ocean despite the fact that she is not a swimmer. For any of you are lucky enough to experience the ocean with Glama you are in for treat, she jumps and bobs as the ocean surrounds her. So much fun! I love and miss you Mom!

1 comment:

traci miller said...

Glama... i love that. Your mom sounds super fun. Just like you!